Outline Health Osteopathic Practice

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7 lifestyle habits making your low back pain worse!

Ever wondered why your nagging low back ache seems to linger despite your best efforts? It might just be a habit you’ve fallen into, those lifestyle choices that seems harmless but are sabotaging your spinal health, preventing you from getting better.

1. Sitting to oblivion

Whilst the couch might feel like your personal haven, excessive sitting is your back nemesis. Hours glued to your desk, in the driving seat and in front of the telly weaken your core muscles and stiffen your spine. Pain gets worse and you’re more likely to cause injury when you do try to move. Stand up, stretch, move around, your back will thank you for it.

2. A dearth of exercise

Alongside the sedentary lifestyle, a lack of exercise is like a gift for back pain, promoting weakness and stiffness. Regular exercise strengthens, improves flexibility and boosts your back health. So find something you enjoy and do it, whether its walking, swimming, yoga or running. Get up, get moving and give your back a fighting chance.

3. Carrying a bit more weight

Carrying weight puts a persistent strain on your spine, making injury and pain more likely. Thinking of ways to eat healthier and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight can considerably reduce the burden on your back and help your spinal health.

4. Smoking fuels the fire

Smoking is like throwing petrol on the fire of back pain. It reduces blood flow to the spine, increasing inflammation and weakening the muscles that support it. Kicking the habit will improve circulation, reduce inflammation and potentially be the solution you’ve been looking for to stamp out back pain for good.

5. Shoe that overbalance

The shoes you wear can play a critical role in low back pain. High heels tip you forwards, causing your back to strain and over extend to keep you upright. Opting for supportive shoes with a low heel, or even barefoot shoes, can help reduce the compression in your back and help your healthy spinal balance.

6. Poor quality sleep

Poor sleep is inflammation’s best friend, and inflammation is one of the major contributors towards lower back pain. Sleeping is a time of restoration and repair, that ultimately helps rebuild spinal tissues and improve spinal health. Aim for 7-8 hours of good quality sleep each night to promote overall back health and reduce pain.

7. Chronic Stress overload

Stress makes our muscles tense up, reducing blood flow to the spinal muscles and causing more inflammation. Learning to manage your stress levels by doing something you love to promote relaxation, such as breathing techniques, meditation or exercise will contribute to your back health as well as your overall health.

Pick one or two to focus on at a time. By incorporating these changes into your daily routine, you can significantly improve your low back health and reduce the risk of getting pain. Remember prevention is the key, however if you already have back pain these tips can help you on the path to pain-free mobility.

And if you are still struggling with back pain, please do come in for a diagnosis and treatment with your local Farnham based osteopath, specialising in getting you better fast and keeping you that way. Get in touch by calling 01252 850814, emailing enquiries@outlinehealth.com or book online.