What is causing your back pain?

What is causing your back pain?

What is causing your low back pain?

You know what it’s like, low back pain strikes and you suddenly cannot move.  After a brief google search you are now convinced you will be paralysed by nightfall!  We all have a tendency to over-analyse pain, especially when at its worst.  To help you separate the serious from the less serious here is a list of real warning signs to look out for, and why!

Dispelling the stretching myths!

Dispelling the stretching myths!

Does stretching really help improve flexibility and prevent injury?

For most of us, the benefits of stretching before exercise have been drummed into us from an early age.  Stretching improves our flexibility and helps prevent injuries, doesn’t it? However when we delve a little deeper beyond this common assumption it turns out this might not be the case.  But it also can be the case sometimes! 

5 Tips for Winter!

5 Tips for Winter!

5 Tips for Winter!

Lots of us start to think about new beginnings during the winter months, possibly thinking about getting fitter and doing more exercise.  Unfortunately this is a time when our bodies are the most resistant to change. During winter we naturally want to hibernate more, conserving our energy and preserving our body fat.  Any exercise started during these cold months is more likely to result in injury.  This doesn't mean that we can't do anything but that we really need to listen to our bodies more and introduce any changes with a little consideration.  Here are some ways that you can help remain fit and well and encourage your body to work for you, rather than against you!

Posture in our modern world

Posture in our modern world

Did your mother ever tell you to stand up straight?

Are your children-hood memories peppered with such phrases as ‘Don’t slouch!’? As an osteopath, I am here to tell you that sometimes, only sometimes, your mother was indeed right.

Back pain and poor posture are directly linked. Most relevant to our society today is our posture as we sit at our desks. If you work at a desk, you may know what I am writing about!

6 reasons to love walking

6 reasons to love walking

6 Reasons to Love Walking

Could you find the time for a brisk 30 minute walk a day?  The benefits are truly inspirational! In general terms we all know walking can be a great form of exercise, however we could all agree that we don’t walk nearly enough. Whilst sitting here writing this article I am feeling somewhat guilty that I haven’t managed a brisk walk today (must get out for lunch!). In this modern era of energy saving devices it takes a little bit more effort and organisation to find the time for a brisk walk, however if we do the benefits can be truly spectacular.

Why women should do weights

Why women should do weights

Why women should do weights

Osteoporosis is a condition that makes bones more brittle and prone to fracture. Although osteoporosis can effect men and younger people, post-menopausal women are most at risk. One of the best ways to help maintain healthy bones is to exercise regularly – which encourages the bones to absorb calcium and other mineral salts that keep bones strong.